Library Regulations

Sist oppdatert 21. aug. 2024

Translated from Norwegian. Where conflict, the Norwegian original takes presedence.


Legal basis

Pursuant to the Public Libraries Act of 20 December 1985 no. 108, Section 4, third paragraph, the regulations for Sandnes library were passed by the Committee for Culture, Industry, and Innovation in Sandnes municipality.


These regulations apply to all loans at Sandnes library and its branches. The regulations also apply to the use of self-service library.


The purpose of the regulations is to govern the relationship between the borrower and Sandnes library, which is established when the borrower registers in the loan register, as well as to establish the rules of conduct for using the library.

Principle of free use

It is free to borrow for everyone with borrowing rights.


  • Library Account: An overview of the borrower's contact information and management of loans and reservations. By activating the library account, the borrower gains access to the library's services.
  • Borrowing Rights: The right to borrow from the library for anyone who has registered and activated a library account at Sandnes library.
  • Borrower: A person with borrowing rights. The loan number and password/PIN identify the borrower.
  • Self-Service Library: Access to the library outside of staffed hours.
  • Library Card: Used by the borrowers when borrowing and as a key card to the self-service library.

Who can become a borrower

Anyone who has a residential address in Norway can become a borrower. Persons under fifteen years old must have written permission from parents or other guardians to become a borrower.

If you have a library card from another library and it is registered in the national borrower register, it can be activated at Sandnes library.

Persons over fifteen years old can obtain a library card either by turning up in person at the library and showing identification or by signing digitally through ID-Porten.

Persons under fifteen years old can obtain a library card, but written permission from guardians is required, and the guardians' contact information must be filled out in the registration form.

Institutions can obtain a library card. The institution must designate a responsible person. Loss and damage must be compensated according to the same rules as for personal borrowers. The institution card should not be used for personal loans. Institutions do not generally have access to the self-service library.

Privacy policy

Sandnes library safeguards the privacy of its borrowers, and personal information is processed in accordance with the Act on the Processing of Personal Data Act and any other applicable legislation.

Sandnes library has developed a privacy policy that describes the personal information which are received, collected, and processed when registering as a borrower, using "My Page," and visiting Sandnes library's websites.

Personal data refers to information and assessments that can be linked to the borrower as an individual. Sandnes library encourages borrowers to carefully read through the privacy policy. Sandnes library’s employees sign a confidentiality agreement upon employment.


Borrowers confirm that they have read and accepted the library's regulations by ticking the box for approval of the terms on the registration form or by signature on paper. To be registered in the national borrower register and to access all the library's services, borrowers must provide their national identification number.

The borrower is always responsible for ensuring that registered contact information, such as address, phone number, email address, and similar, is correct. Primarily, email will be used for communication with the library if provided. This applies to messages about reminders, notifications about reservations/orders, and other correspondence from the library.


To borrow from the library, the borrower must have an activated library account. The material the library offers is subject to rights in accordance with the Copyright Act, whether borrowed for home use or used within the library. This applies to all materials, both physical and digital. Borrowers are responsible for complying with copyright law, and violation may result in sanctions.

The owner of the library card may be held responsible for any loss the library incurs because of others abusing the card. Guardians are responsible for materials borrowed by children/young people up to 15 years old.

The borrower is responsible for all loans on his account and for returning borrowed materials by the due date. The loan period depends on the type of material. The library is not responsible if borrowed materials, whether physical or digital, damage the borrower's playback equipment.


In the event of late returns, and in the event of loss or damage to borrowed material, the borrower is obliged to pay a fee according to the applicable rates.

If the material is not returned after two reminders, the material is considered lost, and the borrower must replace it at the specified rates. In case of loss of the library card, the borrower will be issued a new card upon payment of a set fee. Loss or theft of the library card must be reported to the library so that the card can be blocked.

Violation of the regulations may result in the loss of borrowing rights. Violation of rules of conduct and specific rules regarding self-service library use may lead to suspension.

Rules of conduct

Everyone using the library undertakes to comply with the following rules of conduct:

Show consideration to others and follow general rules of good behaviour.

Clean up after oneself.

Keep calm and order.

Violation of the rules of conduct may result in suspension from the library and loss of borrowing rights.

Specific to self-service library

All borrowers over 15 years old have access to the self-service library. Borrowers gain access through electronic identification at the door. This access is personal.

Guardians may bring children under 15 years old. Children under 15 years old should not be left alone in the library during self-service hours.

There is video surveillance in the library premises. Recordings are kept in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Surveillance is for the safety of borrowers and to protect the library's inventory and equipment. Some services may be unavailable during self-service hours, and certain rooms and facilities may be locked during self-service hours.

Staying in the self-service library is at your own risk.

Violation of the regulations may result in suspension from the self-service library.

Entry into force

The regulations were adopted on 23.05.2023 and come into force on 01.09.2023.